The Automatic folder Model 380 from Dynafold, features push button settings which allows anyone to use the paper folder. Just by pushing a button, the user can fold the piece w i t h out set-up
or training. The Model 380 Dynafold Folder is self adjusting for paper thickness and eliminates the need for fanning paper, and w i t h its enclosed plates it is quiet and adapts to every office environment.
Every possible feature has been added to our New DE-380 paper Folder, and w i t h the new improved feeding system, it is t r u l y a state of the art paper folding machine.
This is a completely automatic paper folder – push a button and it will set up to 18 pre-set folds:
- 81/2 x 11 6std, presets
- 81/2 x 14 6std, presets
- 11 x 17 6std, presets
Custom folds can be manually set.